6 Simple Ways to Prepare for Winter Weather
Winter can be devastating. Snow, ice, frigid temperatures, and more all make up a cycle that can destroy your budget and your home. Most folks just accept the colder temperatures with a frown and move on about their lives as normal, hoping that the power doesn’t go out, that the heat holds, and that their finances don’t waiver. But you don’t have to do that. Take a look at these 6 simple ways to prepare for winter weather, so you can get a jump start on Mother Nature. Or, you can be like me and start with the first snow fall that happened yesterday…
Pull out the plastic
One of the biggest causes of heat loss in a home is through windows and doors. Gaps leak your heat right out into the cold. Using a window insulating kit can not only save you big, but it can also help keep your home warmer. In the event that your power would go out and you would lose your heat, having your windows and unused doors insulated would be one step in keeping your family warm. You can pick window insulating kits up fairly cheap, too, so they aren’t likely to break your piggy bank.
Cover Up
For most people, even the ones that take extra time to prepare for things like weather, blankets are easily forgotten. Many people would rather buy a heater than take the time to store extra (and bulky) blankets. This can very easily backfire on you. Keeping blankets stored on hand means that you can actually use any heaters less. Thus, saving energy. This allows you to stretch your fuel and spend less in the long run. If you live in an area that has milder winter temperatures, one or two extra blankets per person should be sufficient. If you live where winters are harsh and long, consider keeping three to four extras per person. Blankets are also great for blocking up holes that are leaking air and can’t be covered by my first tip above. Blankets can also be used for padding a cold floor in a hurry or making a makeshift pet bed to keep your pet warm. We use large towels or blankets to block the air coming through from under doors.
Food & Water come first
The second biggest threat with winter weather, after cold temps, is food and water. If you are in an area that suddenly gets 3 feet of snow, 2 inches of ice, and/or temps below zero; you may very well be stuck in your home. Even worse is that your water lines could freeze if they aren’t insulated properly. When you think about the fact that most Americans keep less than three days food stored and even less for water, getting snowed in for a week or two becomes a really scary thought. To make absolute certain that your family is okay if this happens, keep a minimum of a week of food and water on hand. Water should be looked at as one gallon per person per day plus extra for any pets that you have. With food, you’ll also want to think about a way to cook the food you’ll need to eat or having food that don’t need freezing or refrigeration. Having something along the lines of a camp stove will work for just about anything from eggs to mac and cheese to a can of ravioli.
Prepare the outside
Make sure that in case of heavy snow or ice, you have the tools that you’ll need to keep your walkways and driveways safe to reduce the risk of someone falling and hurting themselves. A good heavy duty snow shovel, rock salt, and maybe even a snow blower are all great ideas for keeping things clear.
Don’t forget your car
If you will be driving your car at ALL, make sure that you have an emergency kit in the trunk. If you already have one, you’ll want to take a look at it to be certain it’s updated for cold weather. Storing items like blankets, bottles of water, quick snacks, extra clothing, and cash will ensure that your family, should you get stranded, are safe, fed, hydrated, and warm-ish.
Check your electric rates
Speaking of piggy banks… Make sure you have the lowest electric rates you can possible get. If you are in Pennsylvania, Direct Energy might save you up to 16%* over MetEd’s electricity rate, and up to 12%* over Penn Power’s electricity rate. There’s more! Save up to 10%* over Penelec’s electricity rate! Make sure to check Direct Energy to see if they can save you money, too! By the way, Direct Energy is also available in Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Ohio to offer you energy savings there, too!
*All savings refers to the current difference between Direct Energy’s fixed rate offer and the Utility’s current Fixed Rate for Basic Service as of January 8, 2016, and does not include any other component of the electricity bill. Utility rates are subject to change and there may be no savings following the respective official utility rate change date. Direct Energy’s fixed rates include electricity supply charges only and excludes delivery/transmission charges, taxes, and all other utility-related charges. Offer is limited and valid for new residential customers only.
What are your tips to prepare for winter? Can Direct Energy save you on your energy rates?
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