I have been listening and watching the political speeches both on television and on my Facebook news feed. Have you?
You haven’t seen those speeches? Well, I didn’t mean that the speeches were actually by candidates… I am friends with quite a few people on Facebook, and they are friends with even more people. All of these people have different political views and like to voice them as the only way to see things. Well, there are many ways to view what is happening in politics, and I don’t believe that any one view is perfect. I do believe that everyone should be able to voice their view in a way that is not derogatory to any view that is not their own.
When we talk about our views, I believe that we should take the high road (and the narrow road) and present our views nicely without degrading or “slinging mud” at those who do not hold the same beliefs. It all goes back to “What Would Jesus Do?” or “WWJD”
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