I’m thankful for our children’s therapists and doctors. There was a point during our journey that I thought I would have to consult…
the magic lamp that Aladdin found because we just weren’t getting any answers and seemed to be going in circles.
My husband and I have worked in the medical field for a combined total of 35 years, and we knew from experience that there are poor doctors, good doctors, and great doctors who will admit if they don’t know an answer but are willing to research to find an answer. We were thankful to find one of these great doctors in our pediatrician (Dr. P). She actually did part of her training with a doctor who treated many Marfan Syndrome patients, so Dr. P had the experience to know that DD12 likely had Marfan or a related Connective Tissue Disorder.
Dr. P has lined up specialist after specialist for us to see until one of these specialists started researching. He sent us hours away to a specialist who trained with a world-renowned specialist of Connective Tissue Disorders in London, England. That specialist then sent us to our current beloved specialist, Dr. R. Dr. R is the specialist who actually gave us a partial diagnosis and is working on finding our next steps. Can anyone else see the hand of God in this? We have seen His leading from specialist-to-specialist over the last couple of years.
Both children have been in therapy over the last year, and we have been greatly blessed with Christian therapists who have built a relationship with the kids during their many appointments. Last Tuesday when DD12 had physical therapy, our former occupational therapist walked by. DS8 looked at her and said, “I miss you, Miss K.!” I could see the tears come to her eyes, as she became emotional. These two ladies have become very close with both children, and they will be greatly missed when DD12 is discharged from physical therapy.
The Lord has really led us in our medical journey this year, and we are so thankful to Him!
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