DD11 and I just finished reading Day 12 of the Bible in 90 days. She has gone to bed, and it is dark and quiet in the house. I’m thinking… Sometimes, my thinking can be dangerous but not tonight. Tonight, I’m thinking about why I’m reading the Bible in 90 days. I’ve read most of the Bible throughout my life, but I’ve never successfully completed a cover-to-cover plan before. I’ve tried the year-long reading plans, but most of the ones that I have seen had me skipping throughout the Bible. That never worked for me.
Back to the question, though. Why 90 days? I’m sure that there is a reason in the blogosphere, but I’ve not hunted it down. I wanted to figure this out for myself. I honestly believe that the reason for 90 days is threefold.
1) To read the Bible from cover-to-cover. To read the entire text and see His beauty.
2) To decrease the chance that people will “fall off the wagon.” Over the course of a year, a person can find numerous reasons to stop reading. If you shorten the plan’s length of time, there are fewer things that crop up as diversions.
3) To create a habit of reading His Word on a daily basis. It has been shown that if you stick with something for 3 months, you will likely keep with it. You see this “slogan” more in the diet world. If you change your dietary and exercise habits for 3 months, you are more likely to change your lifestyle for the long haul. I’m guessing that this will be the case with reading the Bible in 90 days. After 12 days of reading nightly, I look forward to my time with the Word. If I can keep this up for 90 days, I don’t see how I could give up my nightly time with Him.
I pray that all of those who are reading with Mom’s Toolbox for the Bible in 90 Days will find the same habit-forming blessing that I am.
Reading the Bible in 90 days really does get you into the daily habit of reading God’s word. When I finished last spring, my daily reading slowed dramatically. I was so relieved to be done with that huge daily reading requirement! But, I couldn’t stop reading every day. Since then, I think I’ve only missed one or maybe two days of reading the Bible. It really does get you into the habit of reading every single day and you feel bereft without it.
I’m so glad you’re already seeing the benefits! 🙂 🙂
90 days is an achievable goal! All the best on this journey 🙂
I believe that 90 days is achievable, but it still takes dedication to carve that time out every day because it sure is difficult to catch up when you fall behind!
Ted Cooper, the man who created the Bible in 90 Days program, picked 90 days because he felt it was a realistic, attainable time period.
He picked an NIV Bible with large type and minimal footnotes, divided by 90 and dove in. (He actually divided by 88– there are 2 grace days.) With that Bible the reading as 12 pages a day… very attainable.
That Bible has now been republished by Zondervan as the official Bible in 90 Days ministry Bible. They added details about the program and markers for each day of reading.
You should really check out the ministry’s site at Biblein90days.org… it has some great resources for in-person groups and for reading with us, too!
I just went to the site to read some of the resources, but what I found most interesting was your post about how you started reading the Bible in 90 Days. Mr. Cooper’s history is nothing short of a miracle. Sure would like to do this in a church sometime! Thank you!